Hand me my Hampton Jitney season pass, let’s boogie on up the Montauk Highway! This Love Child’s aching to toss surf board in the back of a dune buggy, khadi cloth beach towel and flip flops in tow, and take off for summer. Catch me hanging ten in Montauk — “The Living End” is one of the best surf towns, snacking fresh and healthy, thanks to a gajillion roadside farm stands, perhaps brunching at The American Hotel, of course drooling over antiques at Melet Mercantile and dancing at Stephen Talkhouse.
Maybe I’ll scoot up to Maine for fishing and cuddling with my guy at a cozy island cabin. Or head south to Key West for a fun girls’ getaway. All of which means, I’m going to need a few different Liebeskind bags for my summer of great adventures.
The Vintage Annabel is the perfect weekender getaway — and its the sunny shade screams summer. The gorgeous purple hue of the Vintage Bonnie in Lila just plain rocks for summer snap, while the RamonaC in nylon adds a dressy sophistication of tan.
Where are you Love Children motoring for Memorial Day’s summer kick off?